The Cranial Space


To all my lovely Yukon clients, I am no longer booking out of my Whitehorse office. I have moved to be with family in the NWT. Thank you for trusting me with your massage and wellness needs while I was in the Yukon. Until we meet again, take good care.

Hello South Slave Region!

I humbly acknowledge that I live, work and play within the traditional territory of the K’atl’oDeeche and West Point First First Nations.

My name is Amanda, I have always held a respect and passion for the holistic healing of the body. I am a strong believer in the “vis medicatrix naturae”, the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Through various modalities I will help to support you as you connect with your body’s needs, allowing you the space to rest and repair. It is an honor for me to be an intuitive and responsible Naturotherapist and Bodyworker who engages and collaborates with clients to meet their specific needs. I have great respect for all people and walks of life and strive to practice in a way that fosters that environment. I use a combination of cranial-sacral therapy, neuromuscular, myofascial, cupping, manual therapy, sound therapy and Reiki to facilitate your bodies ability to heal itself.

I am a member in good standing with the Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada (ACNN).

Sliding scale available on a case by case basis. Please reach out directly if there is a need.

To all my lovely Yukon clients, I am no longer booking out of my Whitehorse office. I have moved ... Read More

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Located at: 10 J Gagnier Rd , Hay River
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